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The Apple of the GRAMMYs' Eye

Fiona. Fiona Apple has a tendency toward the controversial, particularly on television, but judging by her rehearsal today for her GRAMMY Awards appearance Wednesday night she plans to make an impact only by the sheer strength of her abilities, which are formidable. Even with boom cameras swinging like construction cranes overhead and stagehands milling about on stage, Apple was commanding. The grind of a buzzsaw couldn't break the vocal spell she can cast. You won't see any pyrotechnics or elaborate stage sets, but you won't need them. Singing "Criminal," her bluesy hit single of redemption, Apple overcame some technical problems to land a perfect third take. Wearing a long brown coat that was removed in favor of an all-black satin top and pants and sporting prescription glasses, Apple was unassuming in her stage demeanor, but sang in her now well-known voice that sounds like she's channeling great singers with twice her age and experience. With rehearsal over, Apple was ready for prime-time.

-Eddie Beckeneddie

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